Thursday, November 22, 2018

Gobble til you wobble...

I hope your Thanksgiving has been lovely. 

Come on out this weekend and dance off that 3rd slice of pecan pie and the 2nd helping of mashed taters.

Friday November 23rd,
Figueroa Mountain Brew Co
, 137 Anacapa St F, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
7pm-Close. Free!

Paxton on drums!
Dutch on gee-tar
Jason 'J-Sonic' Chesney on bass

Saturday November 24th,
Mar Vista Art Walk - Sasquatch Stage,
12446 Venice Blvd. Mar Vista, CA 90066
6:30pm. free!

Drums: Matt Lesser
Bass: J-Sonic
Guitar: Dutcheroo

All the cool kids are doing it!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

I hate every bone in your body except mine...

Friday, November 16th
Cinema Bar, 3967 Sepulveda Blvd. Culver City. CA 90230
9pm-close. Free!

Bass: Jason Chesney
Guitar: Dutch Suoninen
Drums: Shane Considine

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

I can't get over you until you get out from under him...

First of all, sending all my love to those affected by the fires and shootings in Thousand Oaks this week.
Saturday November 10th
Sonny McLean's Irish Pub, 2615 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90403
8:30-midnight. Free!

Bass: Steve Tegel
Guitar: Dutch Suoninen
Drums: Shane Considine

Paul Chesne Band's Fan Box