Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Major Label Interest -- Back in Hollywood on Thursday & Sunday

We were so tolerable they want us to do it to again...

Thursday, September 9th at
Harvard & Stone, 5221 Hollywood Blvd. 90027

with our new friends who put on quite the show last week...

My Lucky Brass is on at 10 -- assless chaps seem to come off about 10:45

PCB downbeat is 11pm

Bass: Lelah "Bebops" Simon
Drums: Shane "The Studmuffin" Considine
Guitar: Eric "Dutch" Suoninen

The Delta Dawns will spinning nothing but solid gold country hits all the rest of the night.

Can't afford to miss it. But if you do, we skeedaddle over to Tom Bergin's on Sunday evening to join this epic George Jones tribute between 3-7pm.

Katie "We're Not The Jet Set" Stratton will be joining me, Paul "Could you estimate how many 8 or 9" Chez for a couple classic duets.

Photos by Stephen Albanese - except I got the one of Kiana of My Lucky Brass's panties because I am a consummate professional.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Harvard & Stone in Hollywood Tonight!

We about to play a show at Harvard & Stone in Hollywood tonight (Thursday).

Our new friends My Lucky Brass are emerging from Joshua Tree and go on at 9:30.

We go on at 10:30.

Our dear friends the Delta Dawns will be DJ’ing nothing but solid gold country music all night long.

We gonna make it big in Tinseltown!

PCB: The world’s only dive bar/wedding band.

We are all fully vaccinated and tested negative on Saturday. We expect the same courtesy from you.

#itellyouwhat #getinthevan #pcbtv #dutchisbuyin #divebarweddingband

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