Saturday February 28th
O'Brien's Pub, 2941 Main St. Santa Monica, CA 90405
9:30-close. Free. 21+. Full Band.
Rest in peace Big Dan...
In the past year or so, some of the great proponents of our music have passed on.
Bret Haller who created Yo Venice!, Marty "The Dancing Grandma" from Reyes Creek, and just a week ago our old buddy Big Dan.
When this happens, I feel a deep loss. Not only are these people my friends, but they make making music. Because they get it.
I know I only see some of the people reading this every few years or so. But I just want ya to know that I appreciate the support that I have received from the musicians, friends, begrudging friends, girlfriends, jealous girlfriends, friends' girlfriends, girlfriends' girlfriends, mistresses, future ex-wives, and other wonderful people that music has connected me with over the years.
Big Dan was a great dude.
He was twice as big as every one. But he drank 3 times as much. And did 4 times as many drugs. That being said, his death didn't surprise me, but my heart goes out to his young daughter the "Baby Lady." We were just about the same age, but I always thought he was older cuz he was so damn big. Like we're talking, 6'10" 300 pounds. Bigger than life.
I got some good stories about Mr. Daniel Smith-Herman. Here's one...
The picture below was from a legendary trip. We played at Pappy & Harriet's the night before in December 2008 and the next day a bunch of us went in to Joshua Tree National Park.
A lot of sex, drugs and rock n' roll type things were going on that night. I will have to save most of them for my memoirs so as not to get anyone in too much trouble.
But I do remember, that
this was before they had any cell reception at Pappy's. So out of all
these semi-adult looking people, no one had a working or even charged cell
phone because everyone was on roam and it drained all our batteries.
So it was just us out there having a grand time with no connections. You just had to roll with it. It was freeing.
Big Dan had got word that he was gonna have a baby only a few hours before. Dutch said, "He turned white."
I was puking my guts out. Zach fell in the cactus and got all bloody -- that's all I can say for now...
Except, rest in peace to a great friend. He may not have been my best friend, but he definitely was the biggest. And you sure as hell could count on his word like a mutherfucker.
Big Dan.
Love you buddy,
And for good measure, here's a shot Dan surreptitiously took of me puking behind a Joshua Tree. Had to let you get the last word...
So it was just us out there having a grand time with no connections. You just had to roll with it. It was freeing.
Big Dan had got word that he was gonna have a baby only a few hours before. Dutch said, "He turned white."
I was puking my guts out. Zach fell in the cactus and got all bloody -- that's all I can say for now...
Except, rest in peace to a great friend. He may not have been my best friend, but he definitely was the biggest. And you sure as hell could count on his word like a mutherfucker.
Big Dan.
Love you buddy,
And for good measure, here's a shot Dan surreptitiously took of me puking behind a Joshua Tree. Had to let you get the last word...