Monday, June 1, 2015

It's my birthday. yay me! : Oldest Bar in CA by Yosemite this weekend : Tuesday at the Townhouse Venice

This Friday & Saturday night we are setting up shop and playing some shows at
June 5th & 6th...
Iron Door Saloon, 18761 Main St. Groveland, CA 95321
It's the oldest saloon in California started "sometime before 1852."
9-close, free!
It's real close to Yosemite and we love it up there.

Next Tuesday we'll be back home...
Tuesday, June 9th
Townhouse & the Del Monte Speakeasy, 52 Windward Ave. Venice, CA 90291 
Lacey Kay Cowden 10pm
PCB 10:45

Full band

okeedokee, so it's  my birthday.

yay me! Hell yeah. Made it around the Sun another pass. Life is a miracle. It is indeed. I tell you what.

While I do get a large ego boost from lots and lots of happy slappy birthday wishes on my F'book page. I mean, I really do. I sit there and think to myself in a Valley Girl accent, "Like wow! I am so popular. This is totally radical." All day long. Something approaching that, pretty much.

Please send well wishes, heckles, barbs, jokes, etc. in a email text, Snapchat, Whisper, Tweet, Instagrizzle, sky-writing, Myspace, full page ad in Variety, Friendster, craigslist casual encounters, et cetera...
You can put my name up in lights or just put it on a grain of rice. Whatever cools for you brotendos and brotendettes. Ladies and germs. Bolls and boll weevils.

Thanks to you all for your friendship whether it be IRL (in real life) or digital &/or both. But mostly digital. Fuck IRL!

I get a kick out of life. real/digital life. Yes I do. And sharing it with you all.

I'm excited to go to Yosemite with the band this weekend & celebrate.

I'm gonna milk this birthday thing for all it's worth and we can still have a party when I get back on Tuesday night at the Townhouse. Come say hi &/or throw a pie in my face then.
Please give money to a charity in my name to save the world!
That is all for now. Much love. Word to the mothership... aka The Van.

The birthday band for this weekend is:
Keyboards: Jon Niemann
Bass: Stephen Tegel
Drums: Rich Berardi
Guitars: Josh Norton

I ain't getting any younger or less creepy. So let's enjoy this shit. I. tell. you. what.

CCHDR pup of the week, Saydee! I got to meet this one too. She is sweet as pie and can jump really high.

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