Friday, February 26, 2010

Saturday At O'Brien's With Dutcher & The Diznasters : SXSW : Voulez Vous Emancipation Proclamation

O'Brien's Pub Saturday. 2941 Main St. Santa Monica, CA 90405


The Dutcheroo our guitar player is opening up with his world famous band of Disasters at 9:30.

We go on after. Come get some fish n' chips. That's what I do.

We gots lots more new songs to put the tear in your beer and the ants in your fancy dance Emancipation Proclamation pants.

Hit me up if you're goin' to SXSW. Looks like I'm really doin' it this time. Got at least 2 shows scheduled. Details forthwith post haste ex post facto carpe diem je ne sais quoi voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir.


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